A Day in Ramadhan

A Day in Ramadhan
A Day in Ramadhan is a program that aims to introduce our guests to the Holy Month of Ramadan and provide them with firsthand experience into this special annual event. The program expounds on the meanings of fasting, benefits to both the individual and society and some of its beauties and wisdoms. Our guests will get an inside glimpse into the heart of Ramadan and experience the unique and distinctive Ramadan spirit.
In A Day in Ramadhan; you will:

Experience the spiritual atmosphere and live the cherished moments of a typical day in the sacred month of Ramadan.
Ramadan atmosphere

Share an Iftar meal and enjoy the tastes and delightful flavors of the traditional Ramadan dishes.

Get familiar with the important role and eminent stature that a mosque occupies in the daily lives of Muslims.

Listen to the Athan (Call to prayer) and observe the worshipers as they pray in congregation.
Call to prayer

Attend a visual presentation on the Holy Month of Ramadan.
Visual presentation

Participate in an engaging Q&A session.

Express your feelings and share experiences and thoughts on this special day.